Biroidakuni Hostel Expands With Pigs & Calves

The Biroidakuni hostel is home to students of Biroidakuni High School, a Catholic secondary school founded in 1941 by the Congregation of Holy Cross in the Diocese of Mymensingh in Bangladesh.

Recently, the Mission Center supported the construction of a cow shed and pig barn on the property that will prepare students with the skills needs to care for and raise livestock. Seminarians from the Moreau Seminary, United States, contributed to these efforts through their Lenten fundraising program. The money they raised will contribute to the purchase of 20-25 piglets and 7-10 calves for the project.

Once raised the livestock will provide both food and financial benefit for the school. The students benefit by experiencing the on-going process, that will teach them how to take care of piglets and calves and how they can generate their own income in the future.

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