Mateusz Bendisz



Hometown: Phoenix, AZ

Year in Formation: Postulant

College: University of Notre Dame (Notre Dame, IN), 2019

College Degree: B.A., Economics; Film, Television, & Theatre

Graduate School: Harvard Law School, 2022

Graduate Degree: J.D.

Career Before Formation: Law Clerk in Baton Rouge, LA & Washington, D.C.

Patron Saint: Pope St. John Paul II

Favorite Movie: Anything directed by Greta Gerwig

Favorite Books: The Bible & The Catechism

Favorite Music: Christmas carols

Hobbies: Watching Survivor, hiking, playing chess, and thinking about the law.

Most Memorable Prayer/Liturgy you have Attended: Easter Mass at St. Peter’s Square, where a Polish Priest who was sitting behind me handed me a second-class relic of Pope John Paul II. The Pope and I have become good friends since then.

Place of Pilgrimage you Most Want to Visit and why: There are so many! To name one, I would love to visit Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico to thank her for everything that she has done for me.

Favorite Way to Pray: Without ceasing.

Favorite Devotion: The Sacred Heart

What drew you to Holy Cross? Probably the Holy Cross.

Favorite Verse: Psalm 22

Favorite Quote: “Jesus and Mary will be my friends.” -St. Dominic Savio

How can visitors to this page pray for you?Pray that I grow in friendship with Jesus, His Mom, and His saints.