In our first reading, the Prophet Jeremiah tries not to prophesy. The Lord has given him a word to speak, but Jeremiah resists. He is determined to...

In our first reading, the Prophet Jeremiah tries not to prophesy. The Lord has given him a word to speak, but Jeremiah resists. He is determined to...
In today’s reading from Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus chooses Simon Peter as the Rock upon which he will build his Church. Let’s think...
When we think of who God is, and what God has done for us, and what God is doing for us right now, the wonder is that we don’t spend our whole...
In last Sunday’s reading from the fourteenth chapter of Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus learned that John the Baptist had been killed. Jesus...
I’m sure you’ve noticed that, on Sundays, the First Reading is chosen with that day’s Gospel reading in mind. In our First Reading...
The great basketball coach, John Wooden, suggested that the true test of someone’s character is what he or she does when no one is watching....
It’s probably inevitable. You hear the Parable of the Sower in our Gospel today and you wonder, “Am I a good seed – the kind that...
Our Gospel today is like a magnificent piece of jewelry; let’s say a brooch. On the face of the brooch are clustered an array of precious...
Jesus’ remark in our gospel that “Nothing is concealed that will not be revealed, and nothing hidden that will not be known,” has...