Lay Collaborators
The Congregation of Holy Cross has a long history of lay contributors and partners in mission who assist our work of education, parish, and mission in a variety of ways. If you’re searching for unique opportunities to get involved — or if you’ve already partnered with us at one of our many apostolates — we’re glad you’re here!
Partners in Our Mission
Since the very beginning, the Congregation of Holy Cross has embraced the pivotal role of laypeople in the Church.
Every Holy Cross priest and religious brother engages in an intense period of formation that involves not only extensive prayer and silence to assist in the discernment process but also several years of postgraduate studies at the University of Notre Dame and a wide variety of service activities. We recognize that many people, whether because of their individual vocation or another obstacle, are not able to pursue this kind of formation process.
Despite not having a “third order” of Holy Cross, we rely on the zeal and support of our lay collaborators for every aspect of our mission. Whether you are a student, teacher, administrator, parish secretary, parent of a man in formation, Congregation employee, or simply an enthusiastic supporter with a desire to propogate our mission, you are an important part of our Holy Cross family!
We are grateful for everything you do to make God known, loved, and served. We want to offer you all the help and resources we can to help you participate in our work as Educators in the Faith.
Office of Apostolic Mission and Charism
The general purpose of the Office of Apostolic Mission and Charism is to deepen the sense of and commitment to the Holy Cross mission and charism throughout the U.S. Province apostolates, including parishes, colleges and universities, and our other ministries. The office serves both members of the U.S. Province as well as our lay collaborators. The main goal is to enliven the distinctive charism of Holy Cross throughout our apostolates through collaborative efforts within and among our various parishes, colleges, universities, and other ministries, while simultaneously reading the signs of the times and responding ever anew to the needs of God’s people. Click here to learn more about the Office of Apostolic Mission and Charism.
“In all of our ministries, whether schools, parishes, or other works of missionary outreach and social justice, we serve side-by-side with our collaborators through educating hearts and minds and building communities of the coming kingdom.”
Explore the Mission
Whether you’ve been working with us all your life or are looking for ways to get involved, we appreciate you! Here are just a few of the many ways that our lay collaborators serve the People of God with us.
Want to Learn More?
If you feel drawn to participate more deeply in Holy Cross’ mission, don’t hesitate to reach out! We’d love to hear from you.

Teachers & Administrators
Educators in the Faith
Holy Cross’ primary apostolic mission is to serve the People of God by educating the mind and the heart. In this call, we are joined by leagues of lay Catholic teachers who have themselves answered this call. Some of our collaborators come to know us through working at a Holy Cross institution — be it primary, secondary, or post-secondary. Others are inspired by our spirituality and integrate it into their teaching methods wherever they may find themselves. Still others participate in one of the many teaching programs established at our universities — ACE (Alliance for Catholic Education), PACE (Pacific Alliance for Catholic Education), and Echo.
As a teacher, you are a powerful voice of invitation and formation in the academic lives of your students. It is your example that shows students how to live like Christ in their daily lives. You are a critical source of support for parents to help guide their children to become the people the Lord is calling them to be.
Ave Crux, Spes Unica
Parents always want the best for their children; it is natural for them to worry when their child begins exploring a celibate vocation. They may be fearful that their child will be lonely or unfulfilled, or that he or she will miss out on life’s greatest joys. In Holy Cross, we are a family serving families.
If you have a son pursuing formation with Holy Cross are seeking ways to support him through the discernment process, know above all that he came to know the love of the Lord and the beauty of our faith through you. You are the first and most powerful voice in formation and communion. In gratitude, we the community of Holy Cross continually pray that our patrons, the Holy Family, will protect all families and sustain the life of the domestic Church. As priests and brothers our relationships with our parents are different — just as they would be in any vocation. But many Holy Cross parents have been surprised to find that, in “giving” their child to the religious life, they did not lose a child but gained another whole family.

Campus, Parish, Diocesan, & Youth Ministers
Men and Women with Hope to Bring
Campus, Parish, Diocesan, and Youth Ministers are essential parts of reaching the hearts of young people. Whether in religious education, formation, service, or a student ministry, they serve as the active voice of Christian guidance, wisdom, and hope in the lives of many.
As a minister, you are one of the laborers in the field, calling others into service of the King. You show us the face of evangelization and steward our Catholic faith from generation to generation. Because of your example to your local community, many of us were inspired to know the Lord. In gratitude, we continue to support your mission as together we serve the young minds and hearts of today.
Family & Friends
United by Zeal
Though the role of parents in their children’s formation is unique, every family member and friend plays a role in fostering and developing a Holy Cross priest or brother’s vocation. We are endlessly grateful for the love and support shown us by everyone in our lives.
In Holy Cross, you are never alone; we want to celebrate our life as priests and brothers with you! Whether you are new to Holy Cross or a lifelong friend already, our lives bear witness to the fact that you can fruitfully accompany others, standing by them in love. We invite you to become part of our family and see what we are doing to help build the Kingdom of God.

Community Leaders, Working Professionals, & Business Partners
Going Forth
For those who are called to live and work in the world, contributions to the Kingdom often go unnoticed. But without the support of those who seek to bring about the renewal of the world in Christ, there would be little fertile ground in which our apostolates could take root and grow.
As a leader and collaborator, you are an important part of keeping the light of the Holy Spirit alive in your local community. You can be a voice among a diverse and longing people, who find in you an example of Christ. We in Holy Cross are called to be in this world with you through our active apostolic missions. We rely on your support for our mission, and we are constantly seeking ways to better serve you in yours.
Making God Known, Loved, and Served
Even amid the many responsibilities and distractions of student life, many take time out of their busy schedules to learn more about their faith and to minister to the People of God. They join Holy Cross priests, brothers, seminarians, and brother scholastics to care for the poor and homeless, assist women in crisis pregnancies, evangelize their campuses, and so much more.
Learning is a lifelong vocation, and we invite you to continue delving into the Lord’s call for your life. If you are sensing that the Lord may be calling you to greatness for his Kingdom, we would love to assist you in your journey in any way we are able. We offer many resources to help you understand your call to holiness.

Holy Cross Parishes, Schools, and Institutions
A Band of Men and Women
Our parishes, schools, and institutions are special places, bearing the torch of Blessed Basil Moreau’s hope and vision and passing it along to the next generation. They are the fruit of his faithfulness to the Lord. They are outpourings of the life of Christ that animates our community. At Holy Cross institutions, laypeople work right by the side of priests and brothers to accomplish these missions.
As a member of one of our apostolates, you encounter in the very core of what it means to be a Holy Cross religious. You are the voice of Holy Cross and the invitation to many to “Come and See” who we are. It is through your daily vocation that others come to know, love, and serve God.
Holy Cross Employees
A Community of Faith
Employees of the U.S. Province of Holy Cross assist our mission in a very special way, providing necessary administrative and outreach support that allow us to focus on our apostolic mission. The mission of Holy Cross is not possible without the family that supports each of its apostolates. Each member of our family is needed, appreciated, and loved.
If you are a current employee of the Congregation, we are grateful for everything you do to assist our community. If you are interested in working for Holy Cross, we invite you to explore our job listings on LinkedIn and Indeed.