Vocations Blog

Quo Vadis?

Where are you going?

Leave Everything and Follow Him

Leave Everything and Follow Him

The story of the rich man, which we read as the Gospel at Mass for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time, is one of the foundational Scriptural texts for...

Witness to Hope

Witness to Hope

​Before he became a groundbreaking philosopher and theologian, before he became a key figure in the fall of communism, and before he was chosen as...

Ora et Labora and the Washing of Feet

Ora et Labora and the Washing of Feet

“When we serve Him faithfully, it is our work that rouses us to prayer. The abundance of His gifts, dismay over our ingratitude and the crying needs...

Ministry in the Ebb of Summer

Ministry in the Ebb of Summer

“Some seed fell on rich soil, and produced fruit, a hundred or sixty or thirtyfold.” Matthew 13:8 In the ebb and flow of life as a campus minister,...

Our Vows: Becoming More like Christ

Our Vows: Becoming More like Christ

Jesus speaks these words to Peter at the very end of the Gospel of John, after Peter tells Jesus three times that he loves him: “‘Amen, amen, I say...

Belonging to God & Those We Serve

Belonging to God & Those We Serve

As Holy Cross religious and priests, we profess and promise that everything we are, have, and do belongs singularly to God alone. Since my...

Inspiring Hearts with Unbounded Hope

Inspiring Hearts with Unbounded Hope

During our orientation retreat for our men in formation in Chile this year, we watched a famous Chilean film called “No.” It portrays the end of the...

A Shepherd for the School

A Shepherd for the School

One of the great joys of pastoring a parish with a school, such as here at Holy Cross Parish and School in South Bend, is the opportunity to...

Encountering God’s Light: Lucernarium

Encountering God’s Light: Lucernarium

When we think about Holy Cross spirituality, we often think about the life and writings of our founder. These documents are a key part of our...

Journeying with Jesus and the Eucharist

Journeying with Jesus and the Eucharist

In my previous few articles, I’ve shared with you the various elements we’ve incorporated thus far into our parish observance of this year’s...

New Life and Renewed Spirit

New Life and Renewed Spirit

The first year of teaching always comes with challenges. My first year as a teacher was the 2021–2022 school year, when I taught fifth grade at St....