Seminarians’ Holy Land Pilgrimage

Seven fourth-year temporarily professed seminarians recently traveled to Israel for a 12-day Holy Land pilgrimage. The group, pictured above in front of the Church of Transfiguration, included (left to right) Peter Puleo III, C.S.C., Tyler Kreipke, C.S.C., Ryan Kerr, C.S.C., Nicholas Guiney, C.S.C., Stephen Jakubowski, C.S.C., and Br. Matthew Rehagen, C.S.C. Br. Jacon Eifrid, C.S.C., is not pictured.

The spiritual pilgrimage included the group visiting Capernaum, where Jesus launched his ministry, and Tabgha, where Jesus fed a crowd of 5,000. They spent time in Cana, Nazareth, the Springs of Banias (Caesarea Philippi), and Ein Karem (birthplace of St. John the Baptist). They visited many holy sites in Bethlehem, including the Grotto of the Nativity, which marks the spot of Jesus’ birth and the Church of the Transfiguration, where they renewed their vows.

During their stay in Jerusalem, the group visited Mt. of Olives, participated in Vespers at the French Benedictine Abbey of Abu Ghosh, and stopped in Bethany to see Lazarus’ tomb. They then drove through the Judean wilderness, where Jesus had spent 40 days, fasting, and then they toured the Benedictine Church of the Dormition before continuing to Gethsemane to reflect on Jesus’ final night. Their time there ended with walking the Via Dolorosa (the Way of the Cross), starting at the Antonia Fortress, where Pontius Pilate condemned Jesus to death and stopping at each station to reflect upon the journey of His Passion through the markets of the Old City to the Chruch of the Holy Sepulchre.

The trip was generously funded by The Folger Family Holy Cross Formation Endowment for Education and Enrichment.




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