Become a Member of the Cross and Anchors Guild
Cross and Anchors Guild members are friends and benefactors who support the men, ministries, and mission of the United States Province with a monthly gift. Members of the Guild share the values, priorities, and mission of our members who, on a daily basis work to make God known, loved, and served in the spirit of their founder, Blessed Basil Moreau.
Why is it called the Cross and Anchors Guild?
The cross and anchors have been the symbol or emblem of the Congregation of Holy Cross since its beginning. The anchor, an ancient Christian symbol of hope, combined with the cross, captures Blessed Basil Moreau’s famous adage that continues to be proclaimed by every member of the Holy Cross family, Ave Crux, Spes Unica — Hail the Cross, Our Only Hope. Monthly donors are like an anchor that steadies the ship, combating winds and waves that move a ship off course. Monthly donors help Holy Cross remain steadfast in its mission and extend hope through their generosity and investment.

How do I join?
You can join the Cross and Anchors Guild using our dedicated online giving form, which can be found at The form allows you to choose monthly giving and to set up pre-authorized payments from your bank account or credit card — then you are automatically enrolled in the Cross and Anchors Guild. You can also work with your financial institution to initiate an automatic payment by check, give monthly through your donor-advised fund, or send a check each month made payable to:
Congregation of Holy Cross
P.O. Box 765
Notre Dame, IN 46556-0765.

What are the benefits?
The benefits of membership are numerous. You’re transforming lives, you’re inspiring change, and you’re building God’s Kingdom.
Plus, you have the daily prayers of members of the United States Province, access to spiritual resources to support your faith journey, and you will receive exclusive news for members of the Cross and Anchors Guild.
Benefits include Monthly Reflections, current publications from the U.S. Province, Cross and Anchors Guild e-newsletter, and an annual giving statement.
How does my gift support Holy Cross?
First, your gift is dependable, reliable, and one we can incorporate in our planning.
It not only helps today but also in our future.
Second, you can designate your monthly gift to any of our key priority areas: education and formation, care of elderly and retired Holy Cross priests and religious, international Missions, or our greatest apostolic priorities. The United States Province invests considerable human and financial resources in each of these areas, which our key sources of income don’t sufficiently fund.
Third, your commitment inspires the commitment of our members who work daily to make God known, loved, and served in our educational, parish and mission apostolates.
Fourth, you’re helping build the Kingdom of God and bringing souls to salvation!

Education and Formation
Your monthly gift will ensure that members of the Congregation of Holy Cross receive the best education and formation experience possible in order to make sure that God is known, loved, and served in our academic, parish, and mission communities around the world.

Care of Retired, Elder, and Infirmed
Your monthly gift will ensure aging generations of Holy Cross men — who have already given a lifetime of service to the Church and people in need — receive quality rehabilitative and medical care as they grow older.

International Missions
Your monthly gift will build the Kingdom of God among the impoverished and neglected through international pastoral ministry, education, and countless other assistance programs designed to strengthen communities while bringing hearts and minds to a deeper awareness and devotion to God.

Greatest Apostolic Priorities
Your monthly gift will fund priorities that are not directly supported by endowments including general operating expenses and emerging needs of the Church and the Congregation of Holy Cross, United States Province.
Monthly Support
Join the Cross and Anchors Guild
Monthly donors are like an anchor that steadies the ship, combating winds and waves that move a ship off course. Monthly donors help Holy Cross remain steadfast in its mission and extend hope through their generosity and investment.

“Once I received a request letter from Holy Cross…with the message of beginning the school year and the challenging costs of books and supplies for just one student seminarian, I remembered that with my sons — as well as the cost of clothes, towels, laundry quarters, health checkups, meal plans…and the negotiations for the “not now” purchase. I was moved to donate. Yet, there was something about that letter that stayed with me. I kept thinking about it…college has lists that don’t stop and finances that rarely keep up. That prompted my decision to provide an ongoing monthly gift or become a sustaining donor. A way to help ease some of the worry about keeping up.”
—Joyce R., Cross and Anchors Guild Member