Moreau wrote his own version of Ignatius of Loyola’s Spiritual Exercises, adapting them to what he saw as the particular needs of the religious...

Moreau wrote his own version of Ignatius of Loyola’s Spiritual Exercises, adapting them to what he saw as the particular needs of the religious...
The first year of teaching always comes with challenges. My first year as a teacher was the 2021–2022 school year, when I taught fifth grade at St....
I’m pleased to continue to share with you highlights of the Forty Hours Devotion that Holy Cross Parish celebrated last fall as part of our parish...
Just a few days ago, the novices returned from their winter ministry experience. Each year, right around the mid-point of the novitiate, the men are...
Within the past few weeks, I have celebrated three funerals here at St. John Vianney Catholic Church, beginning on our Founder, Blessed Basil...
It was always one of my favorite weeks when I was in school. It was one of my favorite weeks when I taught fifth grade. It is still one of my...
In my previous article, I shared with you a summary of the 40 Hours Devotion that Holy Cross Parish celebrated last October. It was truly a blessed...
As we prepare for Lent to begin, I thought I would turn to Moreau’s writings to see how he might help us get ready for this season. I was drawn to a...
Recently, I came across an Instagram post of a dad giving some advice to other dads. He shared that oftentimes when he comes home from a...