“Are you spending Thanksgiving with family?” This question is often asked by those we minister with and to, and I can always confidently answer...

“Are you spending Thanksgiving with family?” This question is often asked by those we minister with and to, and I can always confidently answer...
As a Holy Cross priest pursuing higher studies, it is no surprise that much of my day is spent in study. But as important as my offering of my work...
College is a time for asking questions — and oftentimes BIG questions! Many of the students I work with are asking these big questions of...
“You can’t go home again,” as the saying goes. This past year, I got to test this claim out for myself. After fourteen years as a professor at the...
In the past few years two Holy Cross priests have been named bishops in the United States and ordinaries of their dioceses: Bishop Bill Wack,...
So much of the novitiate is oriented towards discernment. The men at the novitiate are discerning how God is inviting them to make a gift of their...
I spend a lot of my time at my desk. That probably isn’t very surprising, what with being a doctoral student and all. There is a seemingly...
Once during my first week at Andre House, I was walking through the parking lot when a guest gave me an astonished look and said that he “ain’t...
Catholics love ritual! There is something comforting and predictable about it; ritual shapes our lives and helps give shape to our community. Mass...