Yancana Huasy was established in 1981 upon the discovery of a previously unknown population of physically and mentally challenged children living...
Ganguly Exchange Reflection: Homes and Borders, Old and New
The Holy Cross Mission Center is pleased to share written reflections from the Holy Cross participants in the 2024 Ganguly Exchange, an eight-week...
Fundamor Converts Storage Building into Volunteer Housing
Fundamor, which comes from the combining of the words “Fundación” and “Moreau” is a ministry of the District of Chile-Peru that grew out of the...
Immersion in Monterrey for Archbishop Hoban High School Students
Where do your students find Christ present in others? Where are they detached from the buzz of phones? Where have they crossed borders of nations,...
Fe y Alegría no. 25 Reflects on Campus Ministry 2023
As a Catholic school sponsored by the Congregation of Holy Cross in Lima, Peru, Fe y Alegría no. 25 aims not only to educate the students but also...