The plight of the teenage years can be an emotional roller coaster for families. Peer pressure, anxiety, and academic stress turn families into...
Saint Francis of Assisi: A Kiss for All Creation
The Church celebrates Saint Francis of Assisi on October 4. During his life, Saint Francis experienced a profound conversion, from wealthy man to...
Remaining in Christ: A Reflection on the Many Faces of Jesus
“Abide in me as I abide in you, says the Lord. Whoever abides in me and I in them will bear much fruit.” Jn 15: 4a & 5b Sulpician priest,...
A Personal Journey with Holy Cross: From Formation to Faithful Reflection
I entered Holy Cross formation, for what was called the candidate year, when I was 29. I stepped foot inside Moreau Seminary for the first time on...
End of Summer Reflections
An end-of-summer greeting to all of you in the Cross and Anchor Guild from Fr. Tom Zurcher, C.S.C. Yes. Autumn is just around the corner. The...
Mary of Magdala: A Model of Faith
By Rev. Ronald P. Raab, C.S.C. The Church celebrates the Feast of Saint Mary Magdalene on July 22. We proclaim the gospel, John 20:1-2, 11-18, at...
Keep Holy the Regular
Rev. Joseph F. O’Donnell, C.S.C., was serving as chaplain at the Naval Hospital in San Diego, California, where my father (ND ’76) worked in the...
Support the Congregation of Holy Cross when you Shop!
If you like to shop online, consider using ShopRaise for your next purchase. It’s a simple way to turn online shopping at over 1,000 participating...