Holy Cross Mission Center Blog
Spes Unica
Highlighting impactful stories and updates from our international missions.

“Fewer Architects, More Bricklayers”: 2024 Mission Appeals
The Holy Cross Mission Center (HCMC) Founding Director, Rev. Michael Mathis, C.S.C. (1923-33), was a diligent fundraiser for the Mission in...

Fighting for a Cause: Baraka Bouts 2023
Each year in November for the past 21 years the Notre Dame Women’s Boxing Team has put their skill and strength to work in the ring for the annual...

St. Joseph’s Hill Celebrates Completion of New Dormitory Extension
St. Joseph’s Hill Senior Secondary School recently celebrated the opening of the new boys’ dormitory extension on October 20, 2023. The celebration...

Bangladeshis Receive Emergency Support for Flood Relief
From August 4-11, 2023, devastating rains tormented the Bandarban Hill Tracts region of Bangladesh, affecting millions of people in the area,...

Mangore Church Breaks Ground
Mangore Church - an outstation of St. Felista Parish in Utegi, Musoma-Tanzania - broke ground on September 13, 2023. The foundation work is complete...

Community Engagement Updates November 2023
Community Engagement Updates, November 2023: Assistant Director for Community Engagement Michael Jezewak recently visited the University of...

Love of God and of Neighbor: The Witness of Servant of God Theotonius Ganguly
For this World Mission Month during the 100th anniversary of our office, it’s worth highlighting the Congregation of Holy Cross’s success at our...

The Holy Cross Mission Center Celebrates 100 Years
An abundance of blessings and gratitude. That is the best way that I can describe the Holy Cross Mission Center Centennial Celebration held on...

Bangladeshi Tribal Schools Receive New Computers
The Congregation of Holy Cross first came to serve in East Bengal (now Bangladesh) in 1853. Since then, the Holy Cross priests and brothers have...

St. Joseph School of Industrial Trade Receives New Machines
Established in 1954, St. Joseph's School of Industrial Trades located in Dhaka, Bangladesh, provides free training in carpentry, machinery, welding...

Holy Cross Mission Center Encourages Twinning Program
Twinning is a response to Pope Francis’s call to create a “culture of encounter.” With Holy Cross priests and brothers ministering to communities...

Remnants of the Fourth Vow
As members of a religious congregation, Holy Cross priests and brothers have always professed the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, but did...